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Show 1 to 9 (of in total 9 products) | Seiten: 1 |
Lutz Dammbeck: Filme und Mediencollagen 1975-1986
Edition Filmmuseum 38
In his pictures, films, collages and installations, the painter and filmmakerLutz Dammbeck seeks a synthesis of expressive means from the genres of film and fine art. His work to date identifies him as one of the key representatives of independent film and media art in the former GDR and as a unique, outstanding phenomenon within modern contemporary art. The 2-disc DVD presents for the first time all his animation films and media works, including an extensive booklet with essays about Lutz Dammbeck's filmic work and a lot of documents about his fight with state authorities as ROM features.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
... und deine Liebe auch & Sonntagsfahrer
Edition Filmmuseum 93
The construction of the Berlin Wall on August 13, 1961, was a pivotal break in German history and had to be justified in movies produced by East Germany's DEFA studio. The 2-disc DVD set presents for the first time films by reknowned directors that tried to address topical events. Two of the films even include documentary footage shot in the summer of 1961.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Edition Filmmuseum 103
With his "production films", from Ofenbauer, Stars, Der Sekretär and Ein Vertrauensmann to Wäscherinnen, Jürgen Böttcher emancipated himself from the conventions of Socialist Realism and placed the focus of his work inspired by Cinéma vérité and Direct Cinema on pure observation. The commissioned short films Im Pergamonmuseum and Tierparkfilm subversively tested the censors' tight restrictions. In 1977, Böttcher began his long-term collaboration with cinematographer Thomas Plenert, resulting in Im Lohmgrund.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Edition Filmmuseum 102
With Jahrgang 45, Jürgen Böttcher wanted to establish a culture of film making within the DEFA which "developed authentically, straight from reality". Yet like his earlier works, Drei von vielen and Barfuß und ohne Hut, whose youthful, anti-dogmatic vitality and spirit was not 'representative' enough for the GDR culture functionaries, the film was banned. This double DVD traces its history from the censored version to its final restoration.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Frau am Klavichord & In Georgien
Edition Filmmuseum 104
With films including the 'rubble woman' portrait Martha, the three-part experimental film cycle Potter's Stier, Venus nach Giorgione and Frau am Klavichord, the portrait of the artist Kurzer Besuch bei Hermann Glöckner, and also the documentaries Rangierer and Die Küche, noted for their outstanding sound and visuals, Jürgen Böttcher distances himself yet further from the didactic tone and abstract heroic representation of socialist films. In Georgien is the only full-length film that Böttcher was able to shoot on location outside of the GDR.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Edition Filmmuseum 107
Heiner Carow's powerful film The Russians Are Coming, about the final days of World War II, was made in the GDR in 1968. However, it did not receive state authorization for release at the time and could only be painstakingly reconstructed in 1987. This double DVD presents a new, restored version of the film and allows viewers their first ever opportunity to compare it with Career (1971), in which Heiner Carow made use of parts of the unreleased material from The Russians Are Coming.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Das Luftschiff & Unbändiges Spanien
Edition Filmmuseum 111
Rainer Simon's adaptation of Fritz Rudolf Fries' novel "The Airship" is one of the most unconventional feature films ever produced in East Germany. Featuring a complex flashback structure and animated dream sequences painted directly on the film by artist Lutz Dammbeck, Das Luftschiff tells the story of an inventor who dreams of building a revolutionary new airship. When Civil War breaks out in Spain, the inventor refuses to allow his work to be abused for sinister political purposes. Unbändiges Spanien is an expanded version of Spanish Earth by Joris Ivens, who authorized Jeanne and Kurt Stern to update his work for a new audience.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Roman einer jungen Ehe & Frauenschicksale
Edition Filmmuseum 115
Two classics produced by the East-German DEFA in the early 1950s when the Berlin border between East and West was still permeable. Roman einer jungen Ehe reflects the contrasting cultural politics of the cold war in the two parts of Berlin in the love story of a young actor couple. Frauenschicksale, one of the first German post-war color films, applies the vibrant Agfacolor palette to portray the lives of different women in both parts of the divided city who hope to build a better future while balancing their personal and societal responsibilities. Two rare short films and the texts in the booklet explain the historical context.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Das verurteilte Dorf & Chronik eines Mordes
Edition Filmmuseum 126
The West seen from the East during the Cold War. This 2-disc DVD set presents four films produced by the East-German DEFA about West-Germany, American imperialism, the unresolved Nazi past and the corruption of the power elite. In Martin Hellberg's Das verurteilte Dorf (The Condemned Village), the inhabitants of a West-German village resist the eviction of their village for the construction of an American military air- port, Joachim Hasler adapted for Chronik eines Mordes (Chronicle of a Murder) a novel by Leonhard Frank in which a young woman murders the newly enthroned mayor of Würzburg and uncovers his Nazi past. Ami go home by Ella Ensink and Brüder und Schwestern (Brothers and Sisters) by Walter Heynowski, are documents of political propaganda while the texts in the booklet explain the historical context.
Usually ships within 48 hours
Price: 29,95 EUR (incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping)
Show 1 to 9 (of in total 9 products) | Seiten: 1 |